Things discussed in this episode:
- Galactus’ questionable wardrobe choices!
- Stan “The Man” Lee’s passive-aggressive caption writing!
- The senses-stunning synergy of “Joltin’” Joe Sinnott and Jack “King” Kirby!
- The Black Racer: A bridge too far?
- The Fantastic Four as supporting players in their own comic!
- The Silver Surfer: from heel to hero (and this book, which Curt mentions around the 25:00 mark)!
- And the pulse-pounding excitement of superhero college registration!
You can listen to the episode via the player above, or on SoundCloud, iTunes, or Stitcher. And join us in two weeks as we brave the muck-encrusted marshes of southern Louisiana to pass judgment on Saga of the Swamp Thing issues 21-24!
Remember: Please rate us on iTunes, send us an email or comment on our Facebook page, and we may read your comments in an upcoming episode.
Thanks for listening!