In the 25th century, Horatio Hellpop dreams of mass murderers, and is compelled to hunt those killers across the galaxy and kill them. When his efforts to free himself of this mission are thwarted, he winds up face to face with the bizarre alien entity behind his incredible powers!
Can his best friends and his erstwhile lover prevail against a four-armed assassin and one of the galaxy’s most formidable spymasters in a desperate effort to save Horatio’s soul? And can this richly imagined and beautifully rendered saga cross the threshold into that space odyssey known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
- First Comics
- Burn After Reading
- Steve Rude’s artwork
- Nexus as a Warlock in Dungeons and Dragons
- The Sun Devils
- We Hate Movies: The Nexus
- Nexus Omnibus Vol. 1
- Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
Join us in two weeks as we switch gears in a big way with a look at Art Spiegelman’s Maus Vol. 1: My Father Bleeds History.
Until then:
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