Our horror-comics miniseries The Tomb of the Crypt continues with Swamp Thing: Love and Death—specifically, Swamp Thing Vol. 2 issues #29-31 and Swamp Thing Annual #2 by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben and others, published by DC Comics!
Swamp Thing’s nemesis, the evil scientist/warlock Anton Arcane, returns from the dead in one of the most horrific revelations in mainstream superhero comics—making 1984’s Swamp Thing #29 the first mainstream comic not to carry the seal of the Comics Code Authority since the 1950s!
Eager for revenge against our muck-encrusted hero, Arcane unleashes a cadre of undead serial killers upon Southeast Louisiana, and casts his own niece—Swamp Thing’s friend and not-so-secret crush Abigail Arcane—down into the depths of Hell itself!
Can Swamp Thing prevail against the hordes of Hell and rescue the woman he loves from eternal damnation? And will this chilling slice of contemporary horror fantasy take root in that Garden of Earthly Delights known as … The Comics Canon?
Discussed in This Episode!
- Previously, in the pages of Swamp Thing …
- James Bond, for some reason
- The Phantom Stranger’s David Caruso sunglasses moments
- Swamp Thing #34: Rite of Spring
- The Empty Man
- Swamp Thing #32: Pog
- Edgar Allen Poe’s Snifter of Death #1
- Lugosi: The Rise & Fall of Hollywood’s Dracula
Join us in two weeks as The Tomb of the Crypt continues with … Tales From the Crypt!
Until then:
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