In the first of a two-part series on George Perez, we discuss one of his most famous runs as a creator, the 1987 reboot of DC Comics’ Wonder Woman!
Spinning out of the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths (also drawn by Perez), the series redefined the character in ways that are still felt today, from the comics to the recent Wonder Woman movies. And as plotter as well as penciller, Perez was the driving creative force behind these changes.
These groundbreaking comics gave Wonder Woman new depth and cemented her ties to Greek mythology. Can they also lasso their way into that Paradise Island known as … The Comics Canon?
Discussed in This Episode!
- “Snakebeard makes a lot of sense!”
- A Wonder Woman/Watchmen connection?
- Kevin’s Great Shame
- Peacemaker on HBO Max
- Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Challenge of the Gods
- Two Moons Vol. 1: The Iron Noose
Join us in two weeks as we discuss Peter David and George Perez’s alternate future two-parter The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect!
Until then:
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