Performing for children at a fundraiser, the Flash (Barry Allen) vibrates at super speed and finds himself on another Earth! And it turns out this world is home to … The Flash (Jay Garrick), whose “fictional” exploits thrilled Barry (and DC Comics readers) several years earlier! Faced with the existence of multiple realities, what do our heroes do? Why, team up to fight bad guys, of course!
We also run through two subsequent Barry Allen/Jay Garrick team-ups: “Double Danger on Earth” from The Flash # 129 and “Vengeance of the Immortal Villain” from The Flash #137! How well do these stories stack up, six decades later? And do any of them cross over the finish line into that multiverse of madness known as … The Comics Canon?
In This Episode:
- Curt … has some thoughts … about the Flash’s super-speed powers
- The Thinker leaves millions on the table
- The Flash Vol. 2 No. 1: “Happy Birthday Wally!”
- Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
- Fear Agent Final Edition Vol. 1
Run, don’t walk, to join us in two weeks as we return to the world of The Dreaming for the first of a two-part look at The Sandman: The Kindly Ones!
Until then:
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