Episode 228: Daredevil – The Devil in Cell Block D

In this episode, blind lawyer Matt Murdock, aka Daredevil, is behind bars – but so are Hammerhead, the Kingpin, and a host of other hardened criminals in 2006’s The Devil in Cell Block D, by Ed Brubaker and Michael Lark, published by Marvel Comics!

When someone close to him suffers a grisly fate, a spiraling Matt Murdock is bent on revenge!

And if that weren’t bad enough, Bullseye and the Punisher join the fun as simmering tensions come to a boil, resulting in an all-out riot!


Who is the mysterious figure manipulating things from behind the scenes? Who is the fake Daredevil patrolling the streets of Hell’s Kitchen while Matt cools his heels in the slammer? And can ol’ Hornhead win favor with that parole board known as … The Comics Canon?

In This Episode:

  • A brief discussion of HBO’s Oz
  • A flaw in the design of Ryker’s Island
  • A question about comic-book aspirations
  • The Devil Takes a Ride
  • Daredevil Vol. 1 by Mark Waid and Paolo Rivera
  • A VERY SPOILERY discussion of the first two episodes of Daredevil: Born Again on Disney+

Join us in two weeks as we kick off a miniseries focused on banned and challenged comics with a look at This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki!

Until then:
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