First, best friends Enid Coleslaw and Rebecca Doppelmeyer find themselves at a crossroads – one populated by creeps, geeks and obnoxious, extroverted, pseudo-Bohemian art-school losers. When Enid applies to college, the girls are forced to let go of the past and ponder their uncertain futures — and their relationship to each other.
After a brief detour to discuss the four-page screed Art School Confidential, it’s off for a visit with Oakland, California’s favorite condescending blowhard (coming soon to a movie theater near you) as he suffers the death of a family member, reconnects with an ex-wife and discovers the child he never knew he had.
Can these cynical loners shed their abrasive ways and live happily ever after? And can they score tickets to that hallowed film festival of graphic novel adaptations known as … The Comics Canon?
Things Discussed in This Episode:
- Are we just a couple of phonies?
- Scarlett Johansson and comic book movies
- Underground/indie comics of the 1980s
- Alonso Duralde of Linoleum Knife
- The two types of hipsters
- “David” Clowes makes a cameo appearance
- Rebecca gets an anagram
- Jaan Pehechaan Ho
- A belated welcome to new listeners
- One of Curt’s favorite Daniel Clowes panels
- Garfield Minus Garfield
- Kevin’s unsettling Wilson connection
- Buddy Does Seattle
- Peepshow: The Cartoon Diary of Joe Matt and The Poor Bastard
Join us in two weeks as we check in on a group of (arguably) more well-adjusted teenagers with a discussion of The New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract!
Until then, please rate us on iTunes, send us an email, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook, and we may read your comments in an upcoming episode. And as always, thanks for listening!