Peter Parker’s childhood friend Eddie Brock reveals that their fathers were working on a cancer-fighting super-suit shortly before they died in a mysterious plane crash years earlier. When Peter investigates, the suit bonds with him, making him more powerful, and soon attempts to turn him into a homicidal monster!
When the suit bonds with a vengeful Eddie Brock, can Peter hope to prevail against this stronger, bloodthirstier version of himself — and save his friend in the process? And can he swing his way into that worldwide web of comic book stories known as … The Comics Canon?
Things Discussed in This Episode:
- The pronunciation of “symbiote”
- The Ultimate Comics line
- The history of Spider-Man’s black costume
- What do we think about Venom?
- Ultimate Gwen Stacy
- Spider-Man 3
- The most recent Venom trailer
- The Venom episode of Spectacular Spider-Man
- Ultimate Six
- Birth of Venom
- Avengers #6
- Have we mentioned our TeePublic store?
Join us in two weeks as we return to the Spider-corner of the Ultimate universe to discuss the origin of that other popular web-slinger, Miles Morales, in Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man!
Until then, please rate us on iTunes, send us an email, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook, and we may read your comments in an upcoming episode. And as always, thanks for listening!