In the aftermath of Civil War, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, is gunned down in front of a stunned nation—the first volley in a diabolical plot by the dastardly Red Skull, who really, really hates America! It’s up to Cap’s former sidekick, Bucky Barnes, to save the day—while atoning for his past as the brainwashed Soviet assassin Winter Soldier.
Have the Red Skull and his criminal cronies written freedom’s obituary? Or can Bucky Cap, Sharon Carter, the Falcon and the Black Widow march onward into that sweet land of liberty known as … The Comics Canon?
Things Discussed in This Episode:
- Curt spares us all from a fate worse than death
- Dating your ex-girlfriend’s niece
- The death of Captain America versus the death of Batman
- Is Bucky Cap really our best option?
- Captains America we’d like to have seen
- The subtle handling of hot-button social issues on Star Trek: The Original Series
- The Importance of Being Steve Epting
- An unwelcome cameo by perennial sidekick Rick Jones
Join us in two weeks as we acknowledge X-Men: Age of Apocalypse by discussing perhaps the most famous kinda-sorta Marvel death of all time in The Dark Phoenix Saga!
Until then, please rate us on iTunes, send us an email, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook, and we may read your comments in an upcoming episode. And as always, thanks for listening!